Hauppauge hd pvr capture software
Hauppauge hd pvr capture software

hauppauge hd pvr capture software

Sometimes it works without sych past 1 hr and sometimes not, so I stop recording after 1/2 hr when commercial, which ever comes first. I have similary problem when I capture from my satelite using an intermediate codec by matrox, when using their MPEG-2, 4:2:2 codec, which provides much smaller filesize then DV and at greater color depth vs dv 4:1:1 sampling, but the drawback to the matrox codec is "lagging" which causes audio sync after 1/2 hr recording. If might be possible to reduce the latency of the sync issue by recording in shorter lengths, like 1/2 hr increments. The audio is somehow weaved in the frame via some timeing sync or something. When it comes to MPEG-2/H264, and cutting scenes out, you loose audio sync due to the issue with gop though h264 uses something different but the principals are simular-the pictures (slices/blocks) are spread out in parts across frames. Sorry for responding late on this, and you prob already know this or have resolved it all. I should've just stuck with analog cable and the Hauppauge 1800 instead of wasting my money on digital cable and this HD-PVR. Either the video plays in slow motion or the audio framerate changes to 1200 fps. They change framerates on their own and downmix audio on their own.


Seems like every single software that will handle these files either can't read them and gives errors trying to open them or they make up their own time codes. There has to be timecodes for these ts files since they play fine in a ts container but the second you edit them and put them in a different container, nothing can read any kind of timecode. There is very little software that will handle this and most of them are worthless at producing a finished file.

hauppauge hd pvr capture software

This is the industries new copy protection since most people won't spend the hours and days that it takes to try and get a finished file. I was able to crop and change the resolution with Virtualdub experimental and recode to 264/ac3 mkv to get a reasonably sized file instead of an 18GB file but yeah, it's out of sync but worse, when trying to demux and remux to try and fix the sync issues, suddenly my 2:50:44 file is 5:44 minutes long. Anything you do knocks the audio out of sync. You can't do anything with these TS files once you've removed the commercials. On the flip side, with analog, we have noise. This is what we have to look forward to in HD. Unfortunately, this is the most troubles to deal with in HD, lack of signal strength or receiver not clever enough to decode sluggish signal sources. Its an extra step, but might be worth it if it does fix your flaky sources.Ĭourse, if the issue is still not resolveable, then its more than likely that the source (siginal) was glitchy during that time/spot in the clip and the area closest to the "I" frame is not as easily recoverable. Sometimes, the writer program does a flaky job creating the container and refreshing it into a new one does the fix. At least this is what I used to do with troubled sources, when I had them. ts source, then feed that into your favorite cutter, that might help give you better (cleaner) cuts, i think. if you demux the stream, either to raw or a new. this technique might help you in your cuts. I dont' know if you resolved your issues, but.

hauppauge hd pvr capture software

A lot of my cuts have pixelation or some weird kind of corruption.

Hauppauge hd pvr capture software